Mabry's a Graduate!

Mabry graduated from her Mother's Day Out program and I got to make the cake for this very special event! Mabry just loves MDO and so do I. We are so sad that this is her last week. The graduation was so neat. The kids sang songs, walked down the aisle of the church to Pomp and Circumstance, received Bibles and diplomas, and best of to toss there caps at the end (this was huge for Mabry). It was an unforgettable event in her little life. In fact we have reenacted the ceremony several times since in our living room!

The cake was inspired by the logo of the school: a rainbow with the words "a great place to begin." Each class has an animal name (Mabry is a frog). So I sculpted fondant animals to represent each class.

And now presenting the MDO class of 2010: