Butterflies and Buttercream

I found these butterfly cupcakes pictures that I hadn't posted yet and thought I'd share. Like most decorating projects they are not difficult to make--just time consuming. All you do is draw right and left wing shapes with a dark marker on a piece of paper. For each butterfly, just lay waxed paper or parchment over your template and use dark chocolate candy melts for the border and the color of your choice to fill.

These cupcakes are frosted with has become my go-to, easy buttercream recipe. It is different from most powdered sugar buttercreams in that it is not overly sweet. The taste and texture is more similar to a Swiss or Italian meringue buttercream; but it is soooo much less work.

I found the recipe here. My only modification is to add an extra cup of powdered sugar. If you really don't like sweet icing, try it with just 2 cups to start. You can always add more. Hope you enjoy!

Less Sweet More Buttery Buttercream

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
3 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup warm milk (I usually use 2%)
1/4 cup cold heavy cream
salt to taste (optional)
vanilla or almond extract (optional)

Cream butter and powdered sugar until combined. With mixer running pour in the warm milk and mix to combine. The mixture may now appear curdled. With mixer still running pour in cold cream. Turn mixer up to a high setting and beat until the icing comes together. This sometimes takes several minutes. Don't worry it will eventually come together.

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