Croucquembouche Inspired Groom's Cake

When I meet with a bride or in some cases bride and groom, I love to find out as much as possible about them. I take those unique details and try to translate them into a cake. In this case the bride and groom had no specific ideas about the groom's cake. The only thing they were certain about was no chocolate. In questioning the bride, I learned that the her fiance was of French heritage and this was something of importance to his family. I suggested that his cake be inspired by the traditional French wedding cake, the croucquembouche.

The cake tiers were moist almond cake layered with dark cherry preserves and Amaretto French buttercream with bits of crushed almond nougatine. The tiers were covered in Amarretto French buttercream and encirled with rolled wafer cookies. Each tier was topped with cream puffs which I filled with vanilla pastry cream and dipped in caramelized sugar. I made a miniature croucquembouche topper and placed white chocolate fleur d'lis on the topper and cake. The monogram was made of white and dark chocolate.

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