Lovely Laura's Wedding Cake

I was blessed to be able to make a wedding cake for sweet Laura a couple of weekends ago. It was such a neat collaborative process that we went through together to come up with a unique and beautiful cake. Initially I was worried that I wouldn't be able to come up with something that she would love because she was so open and easy going about what she wanted in a cake. After she emailed me pictures of three very different cakes that she liked I was even more concerned. Once we talked and I learned which elements she liked from each cake: crimped fondant, gold ribbon, white anemones with black centers, the vision started to take shape.

Once I saw the cake in the room, I new our design was meant to be. The Crystal Room at the Sheraton Gunther is bathed in gold with a beautiful black foliage print carpeting. It was perfection!

Thank you Laura for trusting me with your cake and for being such a joy to work with! I pray you and David will enjoy a happy and blessed marriage.

The reception site...bathed in gold.

See the carpeting was black...perfect! (Note my assistants hard at work on the left)

Anemone close up.

Antique Rose Cake

After having such fun making gumpaste anemones last week, I decided to try one of my favorite flowers, a pink peony. I think it turned out more like a garden rose, which I also love. I decorated the cake with some left over ribbon from the wedding cake I did the weekend before and some royal icing piping. The leaf of the flower was rubbed with bronze luster dust which I also brushed along the edges of the petals for a sort of antique look.

It's my party and I'll have 3 cakes if I want to...

I was so lucky this year to have 3 cakes for my birthday! On the left a moist almond cake with whipped cream, almond paste, crushed Heath bar, and Brach's nut goodie filling by Lacy. In the center (by me and compliments of left overs from Laura's wedding cake fillings from the weekend before) a vanilla butter cake with passion fruit curd, blackberry preserves, and buttercream fillings. Finally on the right prepared and decorated by Chef Mabry: peanut butter cake with peanut butter cream and dark chocolate ganache with salted peanuts.

Thanks to my 3 cakes I have 3 extra pounds! Unfortunately Lacy has left; so now I'm the only one eating them. Next year only one cake!

Thank you Lacy and Mabry. I love you so much!

Cake completely decorated by Mabry. I just gave her the fondant and she made the flowers all by herself. I was so proud. I think she definitely has a future in the cake biz!

Mabry putting the finishing touches on her masterpiece.

Alvin, Simon, Theodore....and Shamu???

This was Quin's request for his 3rd birthday cake. It took me a while to figure out how to incorporate the 4 characters on to one cake; but, anything for sweet Quin.

Quin and Lacy at the party. Oops! Looks like Shamu had a little accident (thanks Uncle Justin)!

Zach and Mabe having fun at Chuck's.

Yum! Whale tail.