Lovely Laura's Wedding Cake

I was blessed to be able to make a wedding cake for sweet Laura a couple of weekends ago. It was such a neat collaborative process that we went through together to come up with a unique and beautiful cake. Initially I was worried that I wouldn't be able to come up with something that she would love because she was so open and easy going about what she wanted in a cake. After she emailed me pictures of three very different cakes that she liked I was even more concerned. Once we talked and I learned which elements she liked from each cake: crimped fondant, gold ribbon, white anemones with black centers, the vision started to take shape.

Once I saw the cake in the room, I new our design was meant to be. The Crystal Room at the Sheraton Gunther is bathed in gold with a beautiful black foliage print carpeting. It was perfection!

Thank you Laura for trusting me with your cake and for being such a joy to work with! I pray you and David will enjoy a happy and blessed marriage.

The reception site...bathed in gold.

See the carpeting was black...perfect! (Note my assistants hard at work on the left)

Anemone close up.

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